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Education and Training
Christ Special School focuses on developing life skills to help the individuals with developmental disabilities to be independent and productive. There are four sections in the school based on the age group – Primary (5 to 9 years), Secondary (10 to 13 years), Pre-vocational (14 to 16 years) and Vocational (16 to 18 years). The school uses the Functional Skills Curriculum to assess the strengths and needs of the students. Based on the findings, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and Home-based programs are planned and implemented. Besides, they are also provided opportunities to engage in co-curricular activities to build their skills and self-confidence. As per the needs of the students, they are given occupational therapy to enhance their sensory integration and motor skills and speech therapy to address speech and language issues. The students are also directed to a vocational path by identifying their aptitudes and skills, focusing on community-based
Christ Special School has been following the curriculum of NIMH (National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped) which helps the integrated personality development of the children and to identify their special skills. It comprises academic studies, training of activities of daily living, computer education, vocational training, gross motor and fine motor activities, communication skills, social skills etc.
Each class has been divided into groups on the basis of the students’ functional levels and chronological age. Each group has a classroom setting where personalized attention is offered according to their various needs. Grouping of these children is a skilled job in which each child is simultaneously programmed for and taught in a one-to-one situation and in a group.
A comprehensive curriculum has been developed for each branch. The following areas are covered broadly –
Academic Studies
Academic Studies are given mainly through class room interaction and teaching in a regular class. The academic subjects includes those of a more practical nature necessary for day to day living such as, reading, writing, number concepts, time concept, money value, communication skills, receptive and expressive language, social skills and training for motor skills.
Environmental Education
The curriculum explores the world around us especially the nature, and physical sciences. Extracurricular activities are planned to create awareness of preserving the environment. Topics such as - save the earth, save water, save electricity, effect of using plastic bags etc are discussed regularly
Therapeutic Interventions
Seventy five percent of the students at Christ special school require speech therapy and physiotherapy. Each child's speech, language and motor problems are scientifically evaluated. Special care is taken to ensure that teachers and parents are fully involved in the ongoing programme.
Activities of Daily Living
Realizing the importance of Activities of daily living, they are made main part of the everyday curriculum. Skills such as, eating, dressing, brushing, toilet training, grooming and maintaining hygiene are included in our academic studies. Top priority is given to helping children become independence in self help skills. The child learns the basic etiquettes and mannerism to interact with the society with more confidence.
Physio Therapy
We have a well functional physio therapy unit in our school to help children who have difficulty with functional movement, poor balance, and challenges moving through their environment. The physiotherapist will design and implement a program that will help to improve the individual child’s areas of need and increase overall function and participation. Physiotherapy plays an important role in improving the gross motor skills and mobility of a child. It also helps in maximizing the potential in children with multiple physical and learning difficulties. Main approach would be to access the requirement of the child correcting the gait pattern suggesting and working on improving the weak muscles advising for use of splints if required. Improving the gross and fine hand functions. Enhance the Child’s overall Activities of Daily living (ADL).Thus, adding on the quality in life. Here in Christ Special School we provide physiotherapy during the school hours for those students is need.
Speech Therapy
Language delay and deviant language development are often the features which lead to diagnosis and assessment of mental multiple disability and autism. The aim of intervention is to understand the nature and extent of children's difficulties and to facilitate better communication wherever possible. The School offers a unique speech and language therapy; Speech Computer Program. Specifically charted speech exercises are done by full time speech therapists and special educators. Many conditions including intellectually challenged, cerebral palsy, autism, developmental delays, learning disability may cause difficulty with speech and language development. Some children may not understand the language. Some children may understand language but unable to communicate effectively because of speech difficulty. Christ special school provides speech therapy by engaging the students in various activities and training aimed at improving speech and language skills and oral motor abilities, which enables the children with special needs to improve their speech and overcome their communication problems.
Extracurricular Activities
Computer Application
Computers can assist learning in every area of special needs child, not just in the “3Rs” and at every level of ability. They can provide an environment in which the following may emerge. Computers offer opportunities for playing games, creativity and exploration in a safe environment and can produce perfect socially valued objects. All of this can be achieved with non-specialized software, even by those who do not speak and do not appear to recognize writing. Popular softwares are used to teach these basics.
Vocational Training
Vocational Training prepares the students to settle into the society as efficient and able citizens. They are given training such as
- Diyas making
- Garden keeping
- Foot mat weaving
- Paper basket
- Paper bag making
- Clay moulding
- Making greeting cards
- File and Folders
- Jewellery making
- Envelope making etc..
Drawing and Craft
Art is a form of expression and a way of communication. Art is also be used as a therapeutic activity to help cognitive development and physical coordination. Our centre is also giving effective guidance in drawing and craft to our students. Through this we can identify the special skills of the students and they develop their talents and can complete in several contests.
Dance and Movement Therapy
Christ special school also provided dance therapy. Children are guided through experimental movement activities to become aware of their bodies and develop deeper understanding of themselves. While engaging in body preparatory exercises, movement activities and games they have been stimulated to think, memorize, feel and express ideas through their bodies. The movements help improve their body coordination, attention span, term work and imitation skills. The dance sessions help them to come out of their inhibitions. The students also get opportunities to perform in front of varied audiences, thus giving a boost to their self confidence and self esteem.
Sports and games
Sports and games are an integral part of the student’s life. Sports help to improve both physical and mental strength and skills. Our students make use of outdoor and indoor games like cricket, basketball, throw ball and table tennis. We have ample facilities for sports and games and the best coaching is given by experienced trainers.
Yoga is a group of physical and mental practice. Yoga helps students make relax their mind, gain concentration, decrease hyperactivity etc... Yoga is practiced on a daily basis.